New shackle cleaners do not work, replaced by Undine®

A customer in Finland had a completely new cooling line and a new cutting line in poultry processor for broilers. The OEM-supplied shackle cleaners didn’t work. The shackles remained dirty and were rejected by the veterinary authority. Our process technologist asked the customer if they had ordered a ‘shackle cleaner’ or ‘clean shackles’. In other words, was there a performance guarantee on the new shackle cleaners. The response was that the OEM had provided a shackle cleaner without a performance guarantee.

So, the customer had a brand-new line that didn’t meet the requirements of the veterinary service and incurred fines from the outset. The customer was looking for a solution and found us online. In a team meeting, the customer explained their problems and shared photos of the details of the hook setups and the residues left after ‘cleaning’.

We then digitally sent the customer the necessary information as well as quotes for the Undine® shackle washers to replace the poorly performing ones. The customer then ordered one Undine® shackle washer from us to try out. Within two weeks, we delivered in Finland, and the customer installed the Undine® shackle washer themselves according to the provided instructions. Three days after installation, the customer had the Quality Control check the shackles not only for contamination but also micro-biologically. The shackles were clean and met the applicable standards on both aspects.

Fast forward 6 months, and the customer has ordered 3 more Undine® shackle washers. With the installation of all Undine® shackle washers, the problems they had were solved, and there were no more fines. It was gratifying to receive photos of the spotless shackles after installation from the very satisfied customer in Finland.

The most important thing for the customer was, of course, the cleaning result. IWC-International delivers what it promises. The additional benefits, however, made him even happier:

  • The water saving of the Undine® hook washers was over 70% compared to the old (or rather new) OEM models.
  • Additionally, the Undine® hook washers are contactless, meaning there is virtually no maintenance required. Contactless also means that there can be no cross-contamination, as is the case with cleaners using brushes, for example.
  • The payback period for these hook washers was less than 12 months based on the savings alone.
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